The Breheret Gallery
With such sumptuous surroundings and beautiful architecture, with the Seine and the Louvre on the near horizon, how could one resist the temptation to create an art gallery? This desire became reality in 1887, when an art publisher moved into the illustrious residence.
By 1929, Messieurs Bréheret and Prat, the founders, started exhibiting the original works of living artists. Since then, the gallery has become internationally reknown for the high quality of art it exhibits. Many world famous artists such as Picasso and Chagall, were exhibited at the gallery even before becoming well-known. Today this tradition continues with many of the artists represented by Gallery Bréheret present in major museum collections such as the Metropolitan Museum of New York, The Victoria and Albert Museum of London and the Museum of Modem Art of Paris, to name only a few. Bréheret Gallery is internationally known for the high quality and authenticity of the art it exhibits by contemporary artists.
With such sumptuous surroundings and beautiful architecture, with the Seine and the Louvre on the near horizon, how could one resist the temptation to create an art gallery? This desire became reality in 1887, when an art publisher moved into the illustrious residence.
By 1929, Messieurs Bréheret and Prat, the founders, started exhibiting the original works of living artists. Since then, the gallery has become internationally reknown for the high quality of art it exhibits. Many world famous artists such as Picasso and Chagall, were exhibited at the gallery even before becoming well-known. Today this tradition continues with many of the artists represented by Gallery Bréheret present in major museum collections such as the Metropolitan Museum of New York, The Victoria and Albert Museum of London and the Museum of Modem Art of Paris, to name only a few. Bréheret Gallery is internationally known for the high quality and authenticity of the art it exhibits by contemporary artists.